以爱示爱 母亲节专享 |即日起至5月12日,于线上选购母亲节礼物,即可获赠Sepai眼部精华液(4ml)。受条款及细则约束。 ​​
新注册会员首单购买正价商品消费满 RMB 2,000元立享9折。受条款及细则约束。

K-Fashion Special Offer

Indulge in moments of self-love with Kuoca

Immerse yourself in selected Korean fashion brands at Lane Crawford. With the purchase of 2 or more items or a minimum spend of HK$2,500, delight in a complimentary exclusive Body Lotion (300ml) from K-Beauty brand Kuoca as our special gift to you.

Terms and conditions apply.

2024-04-18 00:00:00.0