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My Melody and Little Twin Stars

BLITZ is partnering up with Friends of the Earth for a unique project that highlights joy, beauty and environmental wellness to celebrate forty happy years of My Melody and Little Twin Stars. BLITZ has collaborated with some international brands and creative partners to present the Sanrio characters in an exclusive collection with a fresh sophisticated aesthetic that speaks more of fashion than kawaii. From fashion jewellery and accessories to phone cases, discover a world of Sanrio collectibles at our dedicated in store showcase at Lane Crawford Canton Road.

In addition, the Library Café will have a special drinks and dessert themed menu inspired by My Melody and Little Twin Stars. To complement the green initiative of the project, vegetarian options that are tasty, healthy, and prepared with a green consciousness. There will a series of fun activities in store for kids curated by Friends of the Earth and a special appearance by My Melody for the occasion.

Joomi Lim

Jewellery designer Joomi Lim is known for her colorful and feminine designs that incorporate a modern, industrial edge through her sleek spheres and geometric pyramids. Her exclusive Little Twin Stars collection is a sophisticated yet playful way to bring these icons of nostalgia into your wardrobe. “They were a huge part of my childhood,” she says, “I immediately had so many ideas and had a lot of fun with the project. Young at heart… forever!”

Judith Leiber

Judith Leiber handbags are part of the permanent design collections at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and each creation is executed with meticulous attention to detail and flawless craftsmanship. The designer consistently adds new and exciting designs season after season, which are much anticipated by her devoted collectors. In celebration of the anniversary, Leiber adds to her iconic repertoire with her exclusive Little Twin Stars clutch, “because adults like to dream, too.”

Shine Li

As part of Lane Crawford’s PLATFORM initiative to help nurture and grow emerging talent, we held a call-out for emerging entrepreneurs, brands and designers to pitch their product or their work to be showcased in Lane Crawford stores. The Beijing-based milliner Shine Li’s fantastical and visionary world stood out for our buyers. Impressed by the magical and playful charms of her headpieces, we invited Shine Li to design an exclusive collection to celebrate the 40th anniversary of her favourite cartoon icons.

“Inside the heart of many grown-ups is still the innocent child they once were,” she says. “I hope that my work expresses the cuteness of My Melody and Little Twin Stars in an imaginative way.”

Case Scenario

Through innovative designs and employing high-quality materials, Case Scenario creates mobile accessories with functionality, design and style. Having previously collaborated with the likes of Pierre Hardy and Linda Farrow the team were inspired by the magical world of Little Twin Stars and My Melody for their collection of collectable phone cases.


The brainchild of Hong Kong-based Sharon Lee, Beyond Jewelry by Melange is an innovative take on body jewellery; an updated version of the temporary transfer tattoos in a sophisticated gold. Relive your childhood with Beyond Jewelry’s celebration of My Melody and Little Twin Stars. As Lee says, “What better way to add some sparkle?”


The undisputed king of statement sweater dressing, Markus Lupfer, has created two exclusive tote bags: "I am really excited to be able to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of favourite Sanrio characters My Melody and Little Twin Stars. We wanted to create something extra special, and have collaborated on exclusive sequin embellished tote-bags. We wanted to add our sparkle to these much-loved characters, and these totes are playful and fun just like them."


The latest in a line of projects that pay tribute to Asian contemporary culture, Moleskine has created a limited-edition run of its signature notebooks featuring Sanrio’s iconic characters.

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2015-08-26 00:13:00.0



为庆祝知名卡通形象美乐蒂和双星仙子问世 40 周年,BLITZ 与香港环保慈善团体地球之友联合举办特别活动,通过和不同的国际知名品牌和创意伙伴合作,为三丽鸥旗下人物打造不失可爱同时又趣味十足的时尚造型,传递欢乐态度与环保意识。限量系列从时尚珠宝饰品到手机保护壳应有尽有,请莅临连卡佛大上海时代广场店北京金融街购物中心店成都国际金融中心商场店,探索三丽鸥的梦幻世界。

Joomi Lim

珠宝设计师 Joomi Lim 以其童心未泯又充满女性魅力的设计而出名,她尤为擅长以精致的球体和几何金字塔表达游走于摩登和工业化的时尚美感。她的双星仙子独家系列既充满趣味又精致,并让童年怀旧单品成为你的衣橱必备:“它们是我童年的重要一角。我十分享受整个项目的制作过程,看到它们我就思若涌泉!我们要永远保持年轻的心态!”

Judith Leiber

Judith Leiber 的包袋作品是伦敦维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆以及纽约大都会艺术博物馆的永久藏品之一。每款 Judith Leiber 作品都经过精湛手工制作而成,体现了对细节的极致追求。在万众期待下,这位设计师每一季都在推出新奇且令人惊叹的不凡设计。此次为庆祝40岁庆典,Leiber专门推出双星仙子手包,为其全系列经典设计再添精彩一笔。 “因为成年人也会有梦想呀!”她感叹道。

Shine Li

作为连卡佛新晋设计师及品牌培育计划 PLATFORM 的一部分,我们吹响了新品牌集结号,召集各路年轻企业家及设计师们大胆秀出自己的品牌及创作。在这场活动中,北京本土女帽设计师 Shine Li 以她天马行空的视野赢得了连卡佛时尚买手的青睐。我们为她充满梦幻和童真魅力的帽饰所折服,邀请她为她最喜爱的卡通人物诞生 40 周年设计独家系列。


Case Scenario

曾与如 Pierre Hardy 和 Linda Farrow 等品牌合作的手机保护壳制造商 Case Scenario 一直以创新设计与高质量不懈追求手机配饰的功能性、美观性和时尚度。本次,在双星仙子与美乐蒂的魔法世界启发下,独家限量的卡通手机保护壳更臻完美。


香港本土设计师 Sharon Lee 创立的品牌 Beyond Jewelry by Melange 可谓是珠宝设计的大胆创新。我们可以通过 Beyond Jewelry 的美乐蒂和双星仙子的精致金色纹身贴纸重拾童年。正如 Lee 所说,“它是增添耀目的最好选择。”


以各式毛衣的夺目设计出名的 Markus Lupfer 本次特别创作了两款限量托特包。“可以参与到我喜爱的美乐蒂和双星仙子 40 周年庆典,我感到十分兴奋。因为我们想为这两个人见人爱的卡通形象添加一抹闪亮,所以在设计时我们专门选择了金色的装饰,希望这些托特包也能像美乐蒂和双星仙子一样取味十足。”


Moleskine 以三丽鸥经典人物为灵感,在最近一系列宣扬亚洲现代文化的项目中,将双星仙子和美乐蒂加入了经典笔记本系列并推出限量版设计。

请莅临连卡佛大上海时代广场店北京金融街购物中心店成都国际金融中心商场店探索BLITZ 呈现的三丽鸥 40 周年系列梦幻世界。