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Celebrating 165 Discover the new visionaries

The Future Of Smart Living

All the brilliant things you want at home

Tang Tang Tang Tang – named after the opening chords of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony – is an innovative lifestyle concept brand founded by Sir David Tang. In a modern tongue-in-cheek take on Chinese tradition, the brand ingeniously re-imagines everyday household essentials, such as rice cookers and sliding toasters, to make them must-have items in pop colours.

In celebration of Lane Crawford’s 165th anniversary, we collaborated with creative director Victoria Tang-Owen and animator Benny Leung to create an exclusive video that showcases the wonder of homeware.

“In the future, we will be more considerate of our surroundings and environment. Every home will produce its own renewable energy and store its own water. Sound-proof homes and less noise in general – soundless vacuum cleaners and quiet blenders, all home appliances will help to provide a better standard of living. I also envision rubbish bins that will self-disinfect and emit zero odours.”

- Victoria Tang-Owen

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2015-08-26 00:06:00.0
探索风尚新视界 165 周年庆




以贝多芬第五交响曲开场和弦命名的“邓邓邓邓”是由上海滩创办人邓永锵爵士(Sir David Tang)创立的创新生活方式概念品牌。 旗下产品对中国传统元素进行了玩味十足的演绎,独创性地将包括电饭锅和烤面包机等日常家居用品变身成为让人忍不住全部拥有的多彩生活必备。

为庆祝连卡佛成立 165周年,我们与品牌创意总监邓爱嘉(Victoria Tang-Owen)及动画设计师 Benny Leung 联手创作了一个独家视频,将创意家居用品的魔力展现在您面前。

“未来我们将会更加关注周边事物和自然环境。 每间屋子都将能够自己生产可再生能源并储藏用水。 房子将会变得更加隔音,静音吸尘器和搅拌器等的出现也将使噪音普遍减少。 所有的家用产品都将帮助人们大大提高生活水平。 此外,我也期待垃圾桶可以自动消毒并且不会散发臭味。”

- 邓爱嘉