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Introducing CristinaOrtiz

Ortiz’s designs are distinctly modern and give edge, drama and poise to the wearer. The pieces in the collection are a contradictory mix of strength and delicacy, the intrinsic elements of a woman.

Though Milan-based Cristina Ortiz launched her eponymous fine jewellery line just two years ago, the Spanish designer has been creating for women for decades.

Having previously worked at Prada as design director and at Salvatore Ferragamo as creative director, Ortiz is a master at articulating a brand’s vision. After years of working for established names, launching her own label has given her the creative freedom to design what she herself loves. “The DNA of CRISTINAORTIZ is fully expressed in the collection and it identifies me completely. Fine jewellery was the perfect expression and a new challenge for me that I had never tackled before,” she said.

Inspired by mythology and “the opposition between light and darkness”, wings and angels are a recurring motif throughout the collection: “The balance in each piece is kept using graphic lines and lightness in details,” Ortiz says, adding: “My designs are a harmonious blend of form and meaning.”

“Fine jewellery today has a twist of lightness, more joy and playfulness than the statement jewellery of the past.”

Discover our new Jewellery Salon at our Hong Kong ifc mall flagship store. The new space highlights one-of-a-kind pieces from esteemed jewellery maisons and flawless collections from fine jewellery designers.

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2015-07-15 00:11:00.0


Ortiz 的设计不仅拥有与生俱来的摩登时尚感,还能为佩戴它的女性增添前卫、有态度和富有戏剧性的魅力。 设计系列中的各款珠宝都是力量与纤弱看似矛盾却相辅相成的结合,而这也是女性与生俱来的特质。

虽然驻扎米兰的设计师 Cristina Ortiz 推出同名高级珠宝品牌仅两年之久,但这个来自西班牙的设计师早已经为女性们打造美丽形象多年。

对于准确呈现一个品牌的核心愿景,曾经担任 Prada 设计总监和 Salvatore Ferragamo 创意总监的 Cristina Ortiz 有着非凡的实力。 而在为知名品牌效力多年后,创立属于自己的品牌则更加让她拥有了绝对自由的创作空间,并能够尽情诠释心中所想所爱。“CRISTINAORTIZ 的基因完全体现在了我的设计之中,而你也可以以此来定义我本人。 这些设计完美地诠释了我自己,而踏足这个领域对我来说也是前所未有的全新挑战。”她说道。

受神话故事及“光明与黑暗对立”概念的启发,她将翅膀及天使等元素多次运用于设计之中。“我用线条和藏于细节之中的轻盈感来保证一件作品的平衡性,” Ortiz说,“我的设计是形与意的和谐共融。”她补充道。

“今时今日,高级珠宝的设计已经变得越来越轻松。 与过往的瞩目珠宝设计不同,你能从中感受到更多的乐趣和玩味感。”

敬请莅临国际金融中心商场连卡佛香港旗舰店,探索全新亮相的高级珠宝沙龙。 高级珠宝沙龙不仅汇集了来自高级珠宝品牌举世无双的杰作,还为您呈现了众多出自高级珠宝设计师之手的系列精美作品。