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The Iconic Chair: Knoll

Knoll has become a byword for sleek, contemporary design for more than 80 years. The American furniture-maker elevates the functional to an art form with collaborations with design visionaries including Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Frank Gehry and Eero Saarinen that have gone on to become icons of their time. With more than 40 of the company’s products on show in the permanent collection at New York’s Museum of Modern Art, Lane Crawford presents five classic Knoll chair designs that illustrate the visionary prowess of the brand.

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2015-08-26 00:05:00.0



美国家具品牌 Knoll 在过去近 80 年的时间里,通过与 Ludwig Mies van der Rohe、Frank Gehry 和 Eero Saarinen 等早已成为时代经典象征的、富有远见的设计师们的合作,成功地凭借一把把传奇座椅,将家具的功能性逐渐提升成为了一种艺术境界。 本次,连卡佛特别呈现五款出自 Knoll 的经典座椅设计,让您一瞥这个有超过 40 款产品皆入选纽约现代艺术博物馆永久展示系列的传奇品牌的风采。